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Hour-specific increments

In accordance with the collective agreements, separate compensation is paid for work performed outside regular working hours, in addition to the basic pay. This ‘shift bonus’ is paid on top of the basic pay, and it is calculated from your hourly wage.

Hour-specific increments in period-based work:

Collective agreement
Evening increment (time/compensation percentage) 6pm–10pm / 15% or corresponding time off6pm–9pm / 15%6pm–10pm / 15%
Night increment
(in period-based work)
10pm–07am / 40% as monetary compensation, 24 min per hour as time off9pm–6am / 40%10pm–7am / 45%
Sunday increment
(+public holidays)
Sat 6pm–Sun 12 midnight / 100% or corresponding time offSat 8pm–Sun 12 midnight / 100%Sat 6pm–Sun 12 midnight / 100%
Saturday increment6pm–6pm / 20% or corresponding time off6am–8pm / 25%7am–6pm / 20%
Eves (Christmas and Midsummer Eve + Easter Eve)Midnight–6pm / 100% or corresponding time offMidnight to midnight / 100 %Midnight–6pm / 100%
Compensating night increment as time offCompensated as money or as time. The employer decides.Compensated as time off only upon separate agreement.Compensated as time off only upon separate agreement.