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Shop stewards

The shop steward negotiates and assists

The shop steward is your primary support in matters related to your employment and in problems that may arise in the workplace. They have been trained to interpret collective agreements and negotiate on issues. Both public and private sector shop steward negotiate with the employer on matters concerning the personnel. The shop stewards are involved in developing the workplace community together with the employees they represent as well as the employer.

They ensure that employees are treated fairly and equally, and advise and support members in the workplace and during times of change. The shop steward is bound by confidentiality. Contacting your shop steward is the quickest way to get answers to your questions.

The shop steward is your main contact to SuPer at the workplace. You can find their contact information on the members’ service Oma SuPer, your workplace notice board, or your own local association’s website.

The task of the shop steward system is to maintain and develop the relationship between the employer and employees. The shop steward represents only organized employees, i.e. those who belong to a trade union, in negotiations. SuPer advocates for its members through Sote ry. The member organizations of Sote ry are SuPer ry, Tehy ry, and Erto ry.

The selected shop steward must fill out a declaration of trust. The declaration of trust is also filled out when resigning from the position.

In the public sector, SuPer has its own shop steward, whose term is initially four years. The union receives information about the elected shop steward when the completed public sector trust personnel notification is submitted to the union. The form must be completed even if the same person is re-elected to the position.

In the private sector, SuPer, Tehy and ERTO have joint shop stewards, whose term of office is four years. The union receives information about the elected representative when the completed private sector trust personnel notification is submitted to the union.

Shop stewards are elected

The next public sector shop steward elections will be held in the fall of 2027.

The private sector shop steward election were held in the fall of 2022. If your workplace did not elect a shop steward and you are interested in becoming one, please contact us via email at