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Practical nurse’s education

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Practical nurses’ training

In a nationwide joint application process after basic education, recent comprehensive school graduates apply for upper secondary education. It is also possible to study to become a practical nurse as an adult, if the versatility and human-oriented nature of the work is of interest, or if there is a need to change careers. High school graduates, as well as those with a previous vocational qualification or a university degree, have the opportunity to apply for education throughout the year through a continuous application process.

The vocational institution responsible for providing the education decides on the admission of students. The institution also determines whether an admission or suitability test is required for admittance. Factors that affect admission include, for example, degree-specific requirements for health and functional ability.

Professional competence is demonstrated and assessed through tests in the workplace. In apprenticeship training, the majority of studies are carried out in the workplace, making the studies both practical and versatile.

Admission of students

The educational provider may choose not to admit a person to a so-called SORA degree if they are deemed unsuitable for the sector based on a suitability test. Admission of students is regulated by specific health and functional ability requirements.

Through SORA legislation, the education provider can also intervene if necessary to address a student’s unsuitability during their studies.

SORA regulations

The abbreviation SORA refers to provisions included in various laws that aim to address student unsuitability and prevent further problems from arising.

The regulations apply to:

  • withdrawal and restoration of study rights
  • mapping of obstacles for admission, which are related to
    • safety of minors,
    • patient or client safety, or 
    • traffic safety requirements.

The regulations regarding drug testing apply to the entire vocational training.

Qualification and areas of competence covered by the SORA regulations lead to professions where employees are responsible for the health and safety of others. SORA degrees include among orhers the vocational upper secondary qualidications in

  • social and health care,
  • childcare and guidance
  • oral health care, and
  • pharmaceutics.

Health requirements

A health condition or an issue with functional ability may present as an obstacle to admittance for a SORA degree if the safety requirements for the studies cannot be met and the obstacles cannot be remedied with reasonable measures. The educational institution is responsible for assessing what constitutes reasonable measures.

Exam-specific requirements

The Finnish National Agency for Education determines the specific health requirements for degrees. These regulations must be communicated to applicants by the educational provider during the application process, to those considering applying.

Read: Specific health requirements for vocational education – ePerusteet (

Health assessment for prospective students

Applicant must state any reasons related to SORA regulations that may affect their right to study. During the application process the applicant is asked to assess whether they meet the health and functional requirements necessary for admission.

The educational institution may request that a prospective student submits a statement from a healthcare professional regarding their suitability for the field.

Assessment by heathcare professional

The statement from a professionally trained person in healthcare should indicate whether the applicant is considered to be

  • suitable in terms of health and functional ability,
  • suitable with some limitations, or
  • unsuitable.

The statement should not convey any information about the specific health condition to the educational institution.

If the applicant is considered suitable with certain limitations to complete the qualification, a statement should be issued describing the practical limitations that apply to practical studies in the workplace or internships. The statement may also include suggestions for methods to overcome these obstacles for the studies.

Adaptation and deviation

No exceptions can be made to the competence requirements related to medication treatment, medication calculation, or patient and customer safety within these vocational upper secondary qualifications in social and health care. The assessment of these competences cannot be adjusted.

Drug testing

The purpose of drug testing students is to prevent risky situations caused by drug use. Testing applies to all sectors. Drug testing is governed by the institution’s substancde abuse program. A doctor or healthcare professional familiar with drug testing can write a referral for testing.

That a student is under the influence of drugs or intoxicated can also become apparent in connection with practical studies at the workplace. If there is suspicion that a student is under the influence, they should immediately be referred for testing.

The educational provider may request that a student submits a certificate of drug testing if there is reasonable suspicion that the student has problems with substance abuse:

  • The student is under the influence of drugs.
  • The student is dependent on drugs.
  • Testing is necessary to investigate the student’s functional ability.
  • The student performs work that requires particular accuracy or tasks where they can endanger others, themselves, or traffic safety, violate their confidentiality obligations, or steal/misuse narcotics held in the workplace.

Completing the qualifications

A personal development plan for knowledge (HOKS) is drafted for all students in vocational education. It maps out the student’s existing knowledge. Studies focus on acquiring the knowledge that is missing. Competence requirements are listed in the degree description. The Finnish National Agency for Education determines the degree requirements, which the education provider then uses as a basis for planning and implementing the education.

Practical education at the workplace is called workplace learning. In the practical nursing qualification, this means acquiring knowledge by performing tasks of a practical nurse under supervision in the workplace. The degree requirements and goals written in the student’s individual study plan (HOKS) guide learning at the workplace as well.

Proficiency is indicated by a workplace competence demonstration. To obtain the qualification, a passing grade is required for all parts of the competence demonstration.