The government has proven its choice of values regarding education policies
When starting its term, Petteri Orpo’s government declared that no cuts would be made to education. However, this promise on education did not apply to vocational training: in 2024, cuts of EUR 120 million were made to it, and there is a constant concern about further cuts.

The government has clearly proven its value choice. Higher education is under current government’s special protection. The government makes cuts to vocational training – through which some higher education students are received – but invests in higher education.
In the event announcing the final report of the Room for Growth project held on Friday 28 February, Risto Murto also only brought up the government’s existing goal of increasing the amount of people with higher education degrees. The objective is to increase the proportion of young adults with higher education degrees to as close to 50% as possible by 2030.
Why did not Risto Murto also draw the media’s attention to the workgroup’s suggestion on considering the effectiveness of educational paths within the entire educational system?
The process of transitioning to vocational or higher education must be supported more effectively than now, especially among boys, young men and students from immigrant backgrounds. This requires action to be taken even in comprehensive and upper secondary education, such as developing the curriculum and targeted support measures.
“No competent professionals will graduate without adequate, high-quality contact teaching and suitable on-the-job training places, and no doors to higher education will open to these students.”
Päivi Inberg
Risto Murto has also previously shared his concerns especially about the educational level of young men. However, the entire educational system should pay attention to smooth educational paths for all learners. Without effective comprehensive education, students will not have the prerequisites to move to upper secondary studies. No competent professionals will graduate without adequate, high-quality contact teaching and suitable on-the-job training places, and no doors to higher education will open to these students. In 2024, 38% of applicants to healthcare degree programmes at universities of applied sciences had a prior, vocational upper secondary degree from the same field, i.e. a vocational qualification in social and health care.
Practical nurses with a vocational qualification in social and health care are also needed as practical nurses in social and health care services, as well as in early childhood education and care. Wellbeing services counties, municipalities and companies also have a need for other competent professionals with vocational qualifications or specialist vocational qualifications from upper secondary education. Due to this, it is difficult to understand the cuts to vocational education and continuous learning, or the extent of these cuts. Competent blue-collar workers are also needed in Finland. Social welfare, health care and educational fields need people with vocational upper secondary qualifications to work with other people, meeting their basic needs and their care and treatment requirements.
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