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Partial sick leave

An employee’s return to work can be supported with a partial sick leave. In such cases, the employee works part-time and is on sick leave for the rest of the time.

The employee will receive normal pay from the hours they are working, and Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, will pay partial sickness allowance for the hours the employee is absent.

The contract on part-time work is made based on a review related to the employee’s health state. The reduced hours may apply to daily or weekly working time. The contract will be made for a fixed period of time, after which the employee will have the right to return to the work defined in their original employment contract. 

If the employee is not able to cope with the part-time work due to incapacity for work related to an illness, the part-time contract will end in the middle of the contract period. In this case, the employee will go back to full-time sick leave.